type Config struct {
Pidfile string
Root string
AutoRestart bool
Dns []string
DnsSearch []string
Mirrors []string
EnableIptables bool
EnableIpForward bool
EnableIpMasq bool
DefaultIp net.IP
BridgeIface string
BridgeIP string
FixedCIDR string
InsecureRegistries []string
InterContainerCommunication bool
GraphDriver string
GraphOptions []string
ExecDriver string
Mtu int
DisableNetwork bool
EnableSelinuxSupport bool
Context map[string][]string
TrustKeyPath string
Labels []string
type Config struct {
Hostname string
Domainname string
User string
Memory int64 // Memory limit (in bytes)
MemorySwap int64 // Total memory usage (memory + swap); set `-1' to disable swap
CpuShares int64 // CPU shares (relative weight vs. other containers)
Cpuset string // Cpuset 0-2, 0,1
AttachStdin bool
AttachStdout bool
AttachStderr bool
PortSpecs []string // Deprecated - Can be in the format of 8080/tcp
ExposedPorts map[nat.Port]struct{}
Tty bool // Attach standard streams to a tty, including stdin if it is not closed.
OpenStdin bool // Open stdin
StdinOnce bool // If true, close stdin after the 1 attached client disconnects.
Env []string
Cmd []string
Image string // Name of the image as it was passed by the operator (eg. could be symbolic)
Volumes map[string]struct{}
WorkingDir string
Entrypoint []string
NetworkDisabled bool
MacAddress string
OnBuild []string
type HostConfig struct {
Binds []string
ContainerIDFile string
LxcConf []utils.KeyValuePair
Privileged bool
PortBindings nat.PortMap
Links []string
PublishAllPorts bool
Dns []string
DnsSearch []string
ExtraHosts []string
VolumesFrom []string
Devices []DeviceMapping
NetworkMode NetworkMode
IpcMode IpcMode
CapAdd []string
CapDrop []string
RestartPolicy RestartPolicy
SecurityOpt []string
// Config defines configuration options for executing a process inside a contained environment.
type Config struct {
// Mount specific options.
MountConfig *MountConfig `json:"mount_config,omitempty"`
// Pathname to container's root filesystem
RootFs string `json:"root_fs,omitempty"`
// Hostname optionally sets the container's hostname if provided
Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`
// User will set the uid and gid of the executing process running inside the container
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
// WorkingDir will change the processes current working directory inside the container's rootfs
WorkingDir string `json:"working_dir,omitempty"`
// Env will populate the processes environment with the provided values
// Any values from the parent processes will be cleared before the values
// provided in Env are provided to the process
Env []string `json:"environment,omitempty"`
// Tty when true will allocate a pty slave on the host for access by the container's process
// and ensure that it is mounted inside the container's rootfs
Tty bool `json:"tty,omitempty"`
// Namespaces specifies the container's namespaces that it should setup when cloning the init process
// If a namespace is not provided that namespace is shared from the container's parent process
Namespaces map[string]bool `json:"namespaces,omitempty"`
// Capabilities specify the capabilities to keep when executing the process inside the container
// All capbilities not specified will be dropped from the processes capability mask
Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`
// Networks specifies the container's network setup to be created
Networks []*Network `json:"networks,omitempty"`
// Ipc specifies the container's ipc setup to be created
IpcNsPath string `json:"ipc,omitempty"`
// Routes can be specified to create entries in the route table as the container is started
Routes []*Route `json:"routes,omitempty"`
// Cgroups specifies specific cgroup settings for the various subsystems that the container is
// placed into to limit the resources the container has available
Cgroups *cgroups.Cgroup `json:"cgroups,omitempty"`
// AppArmorProfile specifies the profile to apply to the process running in the container and is
// change at the time the process is execed
AppArmorProfile string `json:"apparmor_profile,omitempty"`
// ProcessLabel specifies the label to apply to the process running in the container. It is
// commonly used by selinux
ProcessLabel string `json:"process_label,omitempty"`
// RestrictSys will remount /proc/sys, /sys, and mask over sysrq-trigger as well as /proc/irq and
// /proc/bus
RestrictSys bool `json:"restrict_sys,omitempty"`
–cap-add: Add Linux capabilities
–cap-drop: Drop Linux capabilities
–privileged=false: Give extended privileges to this container
–device=[]: Allows you to run devices inside the container without the –privileged flag.
[root@yinye ~]# docker run -it --rm ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
root@fdf8fc8ecf4c:/# ip link set eth0 down
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted
[root@yinye ~]# docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -it --rm ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
root@0355d3b31934:/# ip link set eth0 down
var capabilityList = Capabilities{
{Key: "SETPCAP", Value: capability.CAP_SETPCAP},
{Key: "SYS_MODULE", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_MODULE},
{Key: "SYS_RAWIO", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_RAWIO},
{Key: "SYS_PACCT", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_PACCT},
{Key: "SYS_ADMIN", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_ADMIN},
{Key: "SYS_NICE", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_NICE},
{Key: "SYS_RESOURCE", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_RESOURCE},
{Key: "SYS_TIME", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_TIME},
{Key: "SYS_TTY_CONFIG", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG},
{Key: "MKNOD", Value: capability.CAP_MKNOD},
{Key: "AUDIT_WRITE", Value: capability.CAP_AUDIT_WRITE},
{Key: "AUDIT_CONTROL", Value: capability.CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL},
{Key: "MAC_OVERRIDE", Value: capability.CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE},
{Key: "MAC_ADMIN", Value: capability.CAP_MAC_ADMIN},
{Key: "NET_ADMIN", Value: capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN},
{Key: "SYSLOG", Value: capability.CAP_SYSLOG},
{Key: "CHOWN", Value: capability.CAP_CHOWN},
{Key: "NET_RAW", Value: capability.CAP_NET_RAW},
{Key: "DAC_OVERRIDE", Value: capability.CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE},
{Key: "FOWNER", Value: capability.CAP_FOWNER},
{Key: "DAC_READ_SEARCH", Value: capability.CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH},
{Key: "FSETID", Value: capability.CAP_FSETID},
{Key: "KILL", Value: capability.CAP_KILL},
{Key: "SETGID", Value: capability.CAP_SETGID},
{Key: "SETUID", Value: capability.CAP_SETUID},
{Key: "NET_BIND_SERVICE", Value: capability.CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE},
{Key: "NET_BROADCAST", Value: capability.CAP_NET_BROADCAST},
{Key: "IPC_LOCK", Value: capability.CAP_IPC_LOCK},
{Key: "IPC_OWNER", Value: capability.CAP_IPC_OWNER},
{Key: "SYS_CHROOT", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_CHROOT},
{Key: "SYS_PTRACE", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_PTRACE},
{Key: "SYS_BOOT", Value: capability.CAP_SYS_BOOT},
{Key: "LEASE", Value: capability.CAP_LEASE},
{Key: "SETFCAP", Value: capability.CAP_SETFCAP},
{Key: "WAKE_ALARM", Value: capability.CAP_WAKE_ALARM},
{Key: "BLOCK_SUSPEND", Value: capability.CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND},
libcontainer的权限实际上也是借助Linux kernel capabilities实现的。这些权限的详细意义参考这里
- [Taking Advantage of Linux Capabilities][ref1]
- [How Linux Capability Works in 2.6.25][ref2] [ref1]: [ref2]:
// New returns the docker default configuration for libcontainer
func New() *libcontainer.Config {
container := &libcontainer.Config{
Capabilities: []string{
Namespaces: map[string]bool{
"NEWNS": true,
"NEWUTS": true,
"NEWIPC": true,
"NEWPID": true,
"NEWNET": true,
Cgroups: &cgroups.Cgroup{
Parent: "docker",
AllowAllDevices: false,
MountConfig: &libcontainer.MountConfig{},
if apparmor.IsEnabled() {
container.AppArmorProfile = "docker-default"
return container